Is the website providing all the information related to the automotive aftermarket, meeting the following questions:

Whom can I sell to?

To almost 2.800 players in the European market, divided by Country, Purchasing Groups, Wholesalers and Motorfactors.

What can I sell?

Market studies furnishing all the details of the fleets, the average age and the sales of the new, provide a clear indication of which products and ranges are the more requested.

Who can represent me?

The profiles of commercial Agents to choose among the best.

How can I be known?

All the data of the major Magazines in the sector divided by country.

Nevertheless, it is just the beginning, because soon there will be many updates and new sections.

Who can be interested in

Part Manufacturers and Repackers, because it offers the key of the market.

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The Purchasing Groups and the Wholesalers, because who better appears, chooses the Supplier!

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The Agents interested to find representations.

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The sector Magazines looking for customers interested in subscriptions and advertising.

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Transport companies and Couriers to offer their services.

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For more information, contact info@partsandmarket.com